Off Site Team Building and Leadership Development in Los Angeles

Facilitator, Chuck Wolf
Author of A Ranch Day Retreat, Chuck Wolf grew up in the Midwest and the Carolinas. His earliest riding experience was on his grandfather's eighty acre farm in Ohio. His uncle also kept horses on his country ranch and he learned basic horsemanship early. He took lessons at MacNair's Country Acres in Cary, N.C growing up. His father eventually became Executive Vice President of Gainesway Farm in Lexington, KY. (Mr. Gaines was the inventor of the Breeders' Cup, and Gainesway is a preeminent Kentucky breading farm with bloodstock including many Derby winners). Chuck worked the grounds at the farm, mainly landscaping and tree tending with no prospects of professional horsemanship whatsoever although these days he enjoys riding at Westside Riding School nearly weekly.
He went into software sales for Internet start-ups and in the Fortune 500 where he trained and managed national sales forces. As an entrepreneur he has started and run several businesses. Along the way he has taken the numerous self development, self-improvement and requisite national-level sales training courses typical in the corporate world. One workshop that impacted him most profoundly was Success:full Living. A course by a Franciscan fryer, Fr. Justin Belitz. The course has been taught all over the world, and translated into several languages. Chuck became one of the first Certified Instructors for Success:Full Living, which he has taught privately and at the college level.
He later became President of the Board for Fr. Justin's retreat center in Indianapolis, The Franciscan Hermiatage, where he served for several years.
"This priest was teaching meditation, and he personally took a lot of flack for it, since it was considered too "new age". I applied it to business and goal setting. I remember wishing I could teach it in a business setting, which would have been absolutely absurd over twenty years ago in the Midwest" recalls Wolf.
"Although things have changed today and I'm excited to see businesses adopt and embrace similar practices. Today we call it mindfulness. I have yet to see a more fundamentally sound and applicable tool, technique, system, or mechanism than goal setting with a quieted mind...and I have taken an active interest in it ever since."
Ranch Day Retreat is geared toward the non-rider. It's primarily a day of "active relaxation" and time-out, but in a workshop format that provides useful take- aways in the form of tools and techniques that provide lasting benefits.
Our corporate workshops are designed for groups to participate in Equine Facilitated Learning exercises, in two hour or half day programs. The focus is on Leadership and Communication. Two areas where horses excell and can teach us a whole lot very quckly.
"I'm really fortunate to have the opportunity to just interact with the horses here. It's not trail riding or riding lessons, so there are no expectations on me or the horses. It's a different type of connection that I'm inspired to share with others who would like the same chance."
Chuck Wolf lives is in Los Angeles, California and holds a BA in Psychology from Indiana University.
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Contact Ranch Day at 310-890-5428 or info@ranchdayretreatcom